
Marco (Mario Casas) is a young businessman who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world, ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His friend and classmate Diego works with him, along with the latter's wife, Bárbara, the efficient marketing manager of the company. Eva, a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide, also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners. In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a solitary man, and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, SARA, on whom he is emotionally dependent. Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away, he only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club. People go there just to get pleasure and give free reign to their wildest erotic fantasies, without fear of falling in love, as everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces. But everything changes when Marco meets Carol, the new educational psychologist who looks after his brother José, an 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, with whom he has a difficult relationship. With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself. Thanks to her, he will discover that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it.


  • 函运鸿 8小时前 :


  • 康子骞 9小时前 :


  • 卫建辉 2小时前 :

    看完这部,很难把 阴沉的松坂桃李=果着 这个公式从脑子里面抹去了。

  • 富忆远 5小时前 :


  • 刑红英 8小时前 :


  • 斌天 3小时前 :


  • 刀半兰 4小时前 :

    好难评 松坂桃李最后掉的那几滴泪惊为天人 大家演技都好厉害 就是拍的有点让人记不住

  • 宏香天 8小时前 :

    横滨流星突然开窍了?霓虹演艺圈新添一枚变态DV 男可喜可贺……村长真的……裸贷啥时候还完呢(bushi) 白鸟乌啦啦酱是这几年最喜欢的子役了,请平稳长大,不要歪!

  • 张简昆明 5小时前 :


  • 慈丹秋 8小时前 :


  • 么雪羽 8小时前 :

    桃李真的是名副其实的可怜村村长 整个电影的情感诉说很奇怪 人物总是突然爆发然后又突然平静 画面是好看的但是过多的空镜不仅没能渲染气氛只让人觉得电影冗长拖拉 不是说不好看但就是很一般 明明是互相救赎的故事却没有零星的救赎感 流星意外适合演表里不一的渣男 至于丝丝 她的演技已经不差了 只是很难让人动容 最后 那个女友真的有必要找多部来演吗 在电影里几乎无足轻重 为什么会是多部 我不理解

  • 巨念蕾 0小时前 :

    回忆的那部分很有call me by your name的感觉,意象运用的也很到位。比如十岁的更纱嘴上的番茄酱看起来像是成年人的口红,阿文帮她擦拭时若有若无地触碰到她的嘴唇。

  • 卢雅美 9小时前 :

    冗长拖沓 是看到一半不小心按了暂停 过了好一会儿才发现的程度

  • 南门依萱 8小时前 :


  • 向文丽 7小时前 :


  • 哲喆 1小时前 :


  • 明嫔然 0小时前 :


  • 帆采 5小时前 :


  • 尚鹏程 8小时前 :

    这破罐子破摔的能力只用研究人类身体极限这个这个理由是说不过去了 魔女还得是金多美

  • 嘉运 4小时前 :

    #Cannes22 No.19 5.5/10


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